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insurance quotes online Top 10

Perhaps the best cure
for the fear of death
is to reflect
that life
has a beginning
as well as an end.

William Hazlitt

While nothing
is more uncertain
than a single life,
nothing is more certain
than the average duration
of a thousand lives.

Elizur Wright 

Statistics have shown
that mortality increases perceptibly
in the military
during wartime.

Alphonse Allais

I detest life-insurance agents:
they always argue
that I shall someday die,
which is not so.

Stephen Butler Leacock

Asking Europe to disarm
is like asking a man in Chicago
to give up his life insurance.

Will Rogers

The determination of
life insurance salesmen to succeed
has made life
pretty soft for widows.

William A. Feather

You can’t put
a value on a human life,
but my wife’s life insurance company
made a pretty fair offer.
Whatever excuses you may have
for not buying life insurance now
will only sound ridiculous
to your widow.
The only thing a man can buy
on the instalment plan,
on which his widow
won’t have to finish the payments
after he dies,
is life insurance.

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